Monday, June 14, 2010

A Day in the Life...

People ask me how I handle two kids under 2. So, here is how my day goes:

5am: Haddie wakes up wanting to nurse, Shaun gets her and brings her back to bed.
6:40am: Shaun gets up to shower and gets ready for work. Finn stirs at the sound of a shower, but goes back to sleep.
7:10am: Shaun leaves.
7:15am: Finn wakes up.
7:45am: Get Finn out of her crib. (She likes to play for a while, talk to her bear, etc.)
8:00am: Breakfast - yogurt, banana, cheese toast, cereal bar, whatever she's in the mood for.
8:30 to 11:30am: Laundry, Facebook, general straigtening up. PBS kids for Finn. Feeding Hadley when she's hungry, usually every 2 hours. Change diapers.
11:30am: Hadley goes down for a nap.
12:10pm: Shaun comes home for lunch.
1:00pm: Shaun leaves, Finn down for a nap. Hadley wakes up from her nap.
1:15 to 1:45pm: Mommy/Hadley time. Shower if it's a good day.
1:45pm: Finn wakes up.
2:00-4:00pm: Play with the girls, clean up what Finn gets out, change diapers (I tend to change at least one an hour.) Start planning dinner. Facebook, if I'm lucky.
4:30pm: Start dinner.
5:20pm: Shaun home, eat dinner.
6:00 to 8:00pm: Family time.
8:15pm: Bath, pj's, get clothes out for tomorrow.
9:45pm: Fall into bed *sigh*

And sometimes I work 8 to 12 hours, so everything gets squished into 2 hours. It's fun and all.

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