Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What's Going On?

For some reason, I am awake at 6:45, with a Four Non Blondes song stuck in my head. (Well, I am still up from getting the girls off to school.) I guess because I got up and stepped outside? And I took a deep breath, but that's where the similarities end. (Sorry, no getting high and screaming, "What's going on?" Just not my style.) Why I started singing that song is beyond me. Who knows?

However, I did realize that my baby isn't a baby anymore. Finley is no longer a toddler, but now very much a preschooler. :'(  Stuff that she talks about blows my mind. She knows what she wants and what to say to get it. She is growing up, and it makes me sad. And makes me want another baby :) Thank goodness Hadley still looks like an infant instead of a toddler, cause Shaun would be in trouble. ;)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter bow special...

The Easter bow special was such a big hit that I may not get much sleep between now and Sat night! Good thing my girls are well behaved! (At least most of the time...)
Finn had an appt today with the Ear, Nose, and Throat Dr. and they determined that she needs tubes. Her hearing has been affected by all the fluid trapped, so the Dr. wanted to take care of it before it affected her speech! She did good for the most part, just got hungry and sleepy towards the end, and wasn't too keen on cooperating. When will I ever learn to schedule dr. appointments early in the morning?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Beetles on tha Wall!

We went to Gatlinburg this weekend with some friends to relax and get away. We stayed in a fabulous resort with indoor waterpark, which was great. Except for the ants. Or beetles, as Finn called them. She would hunt and hunt and then scream, "Beetles, Daddy, more beetles!" Shaun would wipe them up, and she would be off to hunt more. We had a great time in the waterpark, Finn and Hadley both looked so cute in their "bayling soup" as Finn calls it. I didn't get to make a single hat or bow, and I'm okay with that. Tomorrow, however, is another story :)