Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Well, what an eventful day yesterday. I go to a routine prenatal visit, and I mention that I have been contracting more lately. Well, Margaret and I decide that obtaining a fetal fibronectin will just reassure us that everything is fine. I'm fully expecting that it will come back negative, and it will just solidify the fact that all is well. However, I get a phone call; it's positive, and I am out of work for 2 weeks. 2 WEEKS?!? I get bored after 2 days of not going out and doing something. Great. And it's over Thanksgiving, so staffing at work will suffer. On the bright side, my cervix is still closed, and baby Hadley is fine. So I still have lots to be thankful for. I can deal with the boredom, and how much my butt hurts from sitting so much as long as the baby is safe and my cervix isn't changing. I believe that I will be re-tested in 2 weeks and it will be negative then, so that I can go back to work, cause I know Shaun is stressing over money already. Just let these next 2 weeks go by quickly! Please!

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