Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hadley's Growing, too...

I feel like I always have stories about Finn, and that may be because she is growing up so fast and I constanly see her personality coming out. But, Hadley is growing fast, too, so I figured I needed to fill you guys in on everything she is doing!

Hadley is such a happy girl. She smiles all the time, and wakes up with a grin on her face. She sleeps all night long, and she LOVES her big sister. She likes to watch Finn play and run around, and she will laugh so hard when Finn entertains her. Haddie also loves to be on her belly. Once I lay her down, she immediately rolls to her belly. She sleeps on her belly, and plays on her belly. She gets to sleep in the bed with us for a couple of hours in the wee morning when she wakes up to nurse, and she usually plays for a while before she will go back to sleep! This morning, Haddie woke up to nurse at about 5:45 and Shaun brought her in the bedroom. She nursed, then rolled over and started singing to her Daddy. It was so precious! Finally, she rolled to her belly and went back to sleep.

Hadley is a little peanut of a girl. She just now is starting to fill out her 3 to 6 months size clothes, and she is over 5 months old! She can still wear some of her 0 to 3 months clothes, especially her pj's. She weighs 14 pounds, which is around 30th percentile for her age, and is 23inches long, which is in the 18th percentile. So, maybe she will be my petite one, since Finn is over 70th percentile for weight and height!

Both girls are quite different from each other, and as they grow, I see more and more of those differences. I am so excited to see their personalities develop!

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