Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hadley Elizabeth is here!

Hadley is here! She arrived on January 26th at 3:57am. She weighed 8 pounds 5.5 ounces, and was 20 inches long. She has lots of dark hair, and looks like Pocahontas!
I went into labor at work, and was contracting every 5 minutes by the time that I finished out my shift and headed home. I got home at 8pm, showered, my water broke at 9pm while Shaun was taking Finn to Nana and Poppy's house, and we arrived at the hospital by 10 pm. I was dilated 8cm when we arrived, and it was a mad race to get my epidural! I was comfortable shortly after that and we were able to rest for just a little while before it was time to push! I pushed for about 20 minutes, and Hadley was here! Shaun was able to help deliver her, as he did with Finley, and when they put her on my belly my first thought was "Goodness at the hair!" Hadley has some of the same features as Finley, but has just as many that are different! Hadley has my eyes and Shaun's mouth, and we are still trying to figure out her nose (I think it's the same one that Shaun's sisters have!)
Finley loves her baby sister and wants to kiss her all the time. She sometimes cries when Hadley cries, and she says "Shhh" when Hadley is asleep. We have loved watching the interaction between the two girls, and we are so thankful for all we have been blessed with!

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