Friday, February 26, 2010

The good and bad of blogs...

This week, I have come to appreciate the ups and downs of blogs. For instance, I sometimes read my friends blogs, just to catch up on what they are doing. I enjoy reading about where they have moved, and what is going on in their lives. I also want to gag at how good they look after marriage and kids (don't they know that you're supposed to gain 75 pounds and grow hairy warts on your face, so that I can look better than you at our 10 year high school reunion?). Hence, the "good."
This week, I also happened across a blog written by a mother who is losing her 2 year old to cancer. She commented that the house was "too quiet" and that all she wanted was her 2 year old underfoot. How many times have I wanted Finn to take a nap so that I could fold laundry/ take a nap/get on facebook/go to the bathroom in peace? That blog made me appreciate the fact that my 17 month old is healthy, and is always underfoot, wanting juice or crackers or another dang banana. I cried while reading her blog, and then cried when I told Shaun about it, and then cried while I thanked the Lord that my girls are perfect. I'm on the verge of tears just thinking about how that mother must feel. *tear* Obviously, the "bad."

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